Sunday, November 2, 2008

Versacamm 101

Friday morning began with old friends and new faces! Jean & Richard C. joined us again for another training class on the Roland Versacamm, taught by none other than our very own ... (Yes, you guessed it) Steven Jackson! With Mary Anne, Laura, Irv, Paul and Eloise the chit chat began and soon we realized there was a Navy man, Army man and a Marine in the shop and it was going to be a LONG day of comparing "war stories"!

What began as simple introductions led everyone to realize the similarities in each others circumstances and business plans. Each individual was the proud new recipient of a Roland Versacamm, different models, same concepts working with similar niches and under similar conditions. Each student had started out in comparable situations to Seaglass Logowear, which led to stronger bonds and most of all the realization of future practical and successful achievements.

When planning this day, Steve thought long and hard about the struggles he encountered when we first purchased our Versacamm, and what he wished he knew then. So this is where the day began, taking a concept from a customer, creating the graphics and inputting it into Versaworks, and ultimately printing the design on numerous types of materials. It was impressive to see the versatility with this piece of equipment, as Steve had shown off a picture we had printed on canvas. (Unfortunately no picture to show right now, but I will get one for you soon.)

Another important aspect often forgotten with new equipment is the cleaning and maintenace aspect; I must say my least favorite and Steve knows it. (Thankfully one of us is mindful of the up keep on our machines!) This is imperative for any business, and thanks to Steve a little easier to understand.

Each student learned the "art of weeding", the pros and cons to numerous printable materials for apparel and the process of pressing these onto shirts. The materials each individual weeded, masked and pressed were printable reflective, metallic, opaque, clear, glitter, puff, sub block, color print and flock. The same colorful design was used on each material to show the difference in shades when pressed onto shirts.

In addition, Steve discussed the non-apparel items the Versacamm is capabale of including banners, magnets and vehicle wraps. This machine does not limit your business at all and is a valuable asset to any apparel printing business.

By the end of the day there was interest in hosting more training events and remaining in contact with each other in the event of questions and better yet, major successes with the Versacamm! By Saturday morning we had received three emails regarding the exciting trials of different students and the gratitude for hosting the class. Steve and I, as always had a wonderful time meeting new individuals in our industry and sharing our knowledge. We hope to do this again soon!


Unknown said...

Thanks Jen for capturing the full beneficial day for us. You and Steve were grateful hosts. Speaking for myself and what I observed from my classmates, we all walked away with a deeper understanding of our recent purchases. I also got great ideas of where I need to go to have an operation like yours. It will take time but your timetable was and is realistic and achievable. I will admit that the information will have to be used and a second class will be necessary to build on the basics which were taught. Thanks a million for the responsiveness and look forward to our next gathering.


Seaglass Logowear & Promotions said...

Thank you Irv! We are extremely pleased about the way things went on Friday and love sharing with others how we have made our way to where we are today. We wish all of you the best of luck and hope to catch up with everyone in Atlantic City!