Monday, January 24, 2011

Who visits a "t-shirt place"

I have had the pleasure of showing numerous visitors Seaglass Logowear, but have never enjoyed a group quite like the one I had last week. A group of young Girl Scouts setup a time to tour Seaglass Logowear, see the the equipment and create their own masterpieces. In advance, the girls had come up with a logo and I was able to prep it before they arrived. 

Once they settled in here, I brought up their design on the big screen and we played around with the colors and the logo itself. The girls saw how the decals were printed, and were able to take them home to show their families.

Once the decals were done, the t-shirts came out! We used single color, cut vinyl to print t-shirts for the girls. A picture of Charlie, my famous puppy, was placed into a star, printed and pressed onto t-shirts as well. Some of the girls have Charlie on their shirts so they will always remember the cool dog at Seaglass Logowear.

Thank you Girl Scout Troop 2278 for visiting our shop, and for the beautiful frame with all of the pictures for our wall. Visit us anytime!